Source code for pivpy.pivpy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This script extends the functionality of xarray.Dataset by adding a new accessor called piv. The accessor adds several properties and methods that are useful for working with particle image velocimetry (PIV) data. The properties include average, which returns the mean flow field, and delta_t, which returns the time step used in the PIV measurement. The methods include crop, which allows the user to crop the data by a given number of rows and columns from the boundaries, vec2scal, which converts vector data to scalar data, pan, which pans the data by a given number of pixels, and rotate, which rotates the data by a given angle.

@author: Ron, Alex
    from typing_extensions import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing import Literal
from typing import List

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

from import quiver as gquiver
from import showf as gshowf
from import showscal as gshowscal

# """ learn from this example
# import xarray as xr
# @xr.register_dataset_accessor('geo')
# class GeoAccessor(object):
#     def __init__(self, xarray_obj):
#         self._obj = xarray_obj
#         self._center = None

#     @property
#     def center(self):
#         " Return the geographic center point of this dataset."
#         if self._center is None:
#             # we can use a cache on our accessor objects, because accessors
#             # themselves are cached on instances that access them.
#             lon = self._obj.latitude
#             lat = self._obj.longitude
#             self._center = (float(lon.mean()), float(lat.mean()))
#         return self._center

#     def plot(self):
#         " Plot data on a map."
#         return 'plotting!'

#     In [1]: ds = xr.Dataset({'longitude': np.linspace(0, 10),
#    ...:                  'latitude': np.linspace(0, 20)})
#    ...:

# In [2]:
# Out[2]: (10.0, 5.0)

# In [3]: ds.geo.plot()
# Out[3]: 'plotting!'

# """

[docs] @xr.register_dataset_accessor("piv") class PIVAccessor(object): """extends xarray Dataset with PIVPy properties""" def __init__(self, xarray_obj): """ Arguments: data : xarray Dataset: x,y,t are coordinates u,v,chs are the data arracc_ys We add few shortcuts (properties): data.piv.average is the time average (data.mean(dim='t')) data.piv.delta_t is the shortcut to get $\\Delta t$ data.piv.vorticity data.piv.tke data.piv.shear and a few methods: data.piv.vec2scal() data.piv.pan data.piv.rotate """ self._obj = xarray_obj self._average = None self._delta_t = None @property def average(self): """Return the mean flow field .""" if self._average is None: # only first time self._average = self._obj.mean(dim="t") self._average.attrs = self._obj.attrs # we need units in quiver self._average.assign_coords({"t": 0}) return self._average
[docs] def crop(self, crop_vector=None): """ crops xr.Dataset by some rows, cols from the boundaries Args: crop_vector (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. Returns: _type_: _description_ """ if crop_vector is None: crop_vector = 4 * [None] xmin, xmacc_x, ymin, ymacc_x = crop_vector xmin = self._obj.x.min() if xmin is None else xmin xmacc_x = self._obj.x.macc_x() if xmacc_x is None else xmacc_x ymin = self._obj.y.min() if ymin is None else ymin ymacc_x = self._obj.y.macc_x() if ymacc_x is None else ymacc_x self._obj = self._obj.sel(x=slice(xmin, xmacc_x), y=slice(ymin, ymacc_x)) return self._obj
[docs] def pan(self, shift_x=0.0, shift_y=0.0): """moves the field by shift_x,shift_y in the same units as x,y""" self._obj = self._obj.assign_coords( {"x": self._obj.x + shift_x, "y": self._obj.y + shift_y} ) return self._obj
[docs] def filterf(self, sigma: List[float]=[1.,1.,0], **kwargs): """Gaussian filtering of velocity""" self._obj["u"] = xr.DataArray( gaussian_filter( self._obj["u"].values, sigma, **kwargs), dims=("y", "x", "t"), attrs = self._obj["u"].attrs, ) self._obj["v"] = xr.DataArray( gaussian_filter( self._obj["v"].values, sigma, **kwargs), dims=("y", "x", "t"), attrs = self._obj["v"].attrs, ) return self._obj
[docs] def fill_nans(self, method: Literal["linear", "nearest", "cubic"] = "nearest"): """ This method uses scipy.interpolate.griddata to interpolate missing data. Parameters ---------- src_data: Any Input data array. method: {'linear', 'nearest', 'cubic'}, optional The method to use for interpolation in `scipy.interpolate.griddata`. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray`: An interpolated :class:`numpy.ndarray`. """ def _griddata_nans(src_data, x_coords, y_coords, method=method): src_data_flat = src_data.copy().flatten() data_bool = ~np.isnan(src_data_flat) if not data_bool.any(): return src_data return griddata( points=(x_coords.flatten()[data_bool], y_coords.flatten()[data_bool]), values=src_data_flat[data_bool], xi=(x_coords, y_coords), method=method, # fill_value=nodata, ) x_coords, y_coords = np.meshgrid( self._obj.coords["x"].values, self._obj.coords["y"].values ) for var_name in self._obj.variables: if var_name not in self._obj.coords: for t_i in self._obj["t"]: new_data = _griddata_nans( self._obj.sel(t=t_i)[var_name].data, x_coords, y_coords, method=method, ) self._obj.sel(t=t_i)[var_name].data[:] = new_data return self._obj
def __add__(self, other): """add two datasets means that we sum up the velocities, assume that x,y,t,delta_t are all identical """ self._obj["u"] += other._obj["u"] self._obj["v"] += other._obj["v"] return self._obj def __sub__(self, other): """add two datasets means that we sum up the velocities, assume that x,y,t,delta_t are all identical """ self._obj["u"] -= other._obj["u"] self._obj["v"] -= other._obj["v"] return self._obj
[docs] def vorticity(self): """calculates vorticity of the data arracc_y (at one time instance) and adds it to the attributes Input: xarray with the variables u,v and dimensions x,y Output: xarray with the estimated vorticity as a scalar field with same dimensions """ self._obj["w"] = self._obj["v"].differentiate("x") - self._obj[ "u" ].differentiate("y") self._obj["w"].attrs["units"] = "1/delta_t" self._obj["w"].attrs["standard_name"] = "vorticity" return self._obj
[docs] def strain(self): """ calculates rate of strain of a two component field Returns: _type_: adds ["w"] = du_dx^2 + dv_dy^2 + 0.5*(du_dy+dv_dx)^2 """ du_dx = self._obj["u"].differentiate("x") du_dy = self._obj["u"].differentiate("y") dv_dx = self._obj["v"].differentiate("x") dv_dy = self._obj["v"].differentiate("y") self._obj["w"] = du_dx**2 + dv_dy**2 + 0.5 * (du_dy + dv_dx) ** 2 self._obj["w"].attrs["units"] = "1/delta_t" self._obj["w"].attrs["standard_name"] = "strain" return self._obj
[docs] def divergence(self): """ calculates divergence field Returns: self._obj: xr.Dataset with the new property ["w"] = divergence """ du_dx, _ = np.gradient( self._obj["u"], self._obj["x"], self._obj["y"], acc_x_is=(0, 1) ) _, dv_dy = np.gradient( self._obj["v"], self._obj["x"], self._obj["y"], acc_x_is=(0, 1) ) if "t" in self._obj.coords: self._obj["w"] = (("x", "y", "t"), dv_dy + du_dx) else: self._obj["w"] = (("x", "y"), dv_dy + du_dx) self._obj["w"].attrs["units"] = "1/delta_t" self._obj["w"].attrs["standard_name"] = "divergence" return self._obj
[docs] def acceleration(self): """calculates material derivative or acceleration of the data arracc_y (single frame) Input: xarray with the variables u,v and dimensions x,y Output: xarray with the estimated acceleration as a scalar field data['w'] """ du_dx = self._obj["u"].differentiate("x") du_dy = self._obj["u"].differentiate("y") dv_dx = self._obj["v"].differentiate("x") dv_dy = self._obj["v"].differentiate("y") acc_x = self._obj["u"] * du_dx + self._obj["v"] * du_dy acc_y = self._obj["u"] * dv_dx + self._obj["v"] * dv_dy self._obj["w"] = xr.DataArray( np.sqrt(acc_x**2 + acc_y**2), dims=["x", "y", "t"] ) self._obj["w"].attrs["units"] = "1/delta_t" self._obj["w"].attrs["standard_name"] = "acceleration" return self._obj
[docs] def kinetic_energy(self): """estimates turbulent kinetic energy""" self._obj["w"] = self._obj["u"] ** 2 + self._obj["v"] ** 2 self._obj["w"].attrs["units"] = "(m/s)^2" self._obj["w"].attrs["standard_name"] = "kinetic_energy" return self._obj
[docs] def tke(self): """estimates turbulent kinetic energy""" if len(self._obj.t) < 2: raise ValueError( "TKE is not defined for a single vector field, \ use .piv.kinetic_energy()" ) new_obj = self._obj.copy() new_obj -= new_obj.mean(dim="t") new_obj["w"] = new_obj["u"] ** 2 + new_obj["v"] ** 2 new_obj["w"].attrs["units"] = "(m/s)^2" new_obj["w"].attrs["standard_name"] = "TKE" return new_obj
[docs] def fluct(self): """returns fluctuations as a new dataset""" if len(self._obj.t) < 2: raise ValueError( "fluctuations cannot be defined for a \ single vector field, use" ) new_obj = self._obj.copy() new_obj -= new_obj.mean(dim="t") new_obj["u"].attrs["standard_name"] = "fluctation" new_obj["v"].attrs["standard_name"] = "fluctation" return new_obj
[docs] def reynolds_stress(self): """returns fluctuations as a new dataset""" if len(self._obj.t) < 2: raise ValueError( "fluctuations cannot be defined for a \ single vector field, use" ) new_obj = self._obj.copy() new_obj -= new_obj.mean(dim="t") new_obj["w"] = -1 * new_obj["u"] * new_obj["v"] # new scalar self._obj["w"] = new_obj["w"].mean(dim="t") # reynolds stress is -\rho < u' v'> self._obj["w"].attrs["standard_name"] = "Reynolds_stress" return self._obj
[docs] def rms(self): """Root mean square""" self._obj = self.tke() self._obj["w"] = np.sqrt(self._obj["w"]) self._obj["w"].attrs["standard_name"] = "rms" self._obj["w"].attrs["units"] = "m/s"
[docs] def vec2scal(self, flow_property: str = "curl"): """ creates a scalar flow property field Args: flow_property (str, optional): one of the flow properties. Defaults to "curl". Returns: _type_: _description_ """ # replace few common names flow_property = "vorticity" if flow_property == "curl" else flow_property flow_property = "kinetic_energy" if flow_property == "ken" else flow_property flow_property = "kinetic_energy" if flow_property == "ke" else flow_property flow_property = "vorticity" if flow_property == "vort" else flow_property method = getattr(self, str(flow_property)) self._obj = method() return self._obj
def __mul__(self, scalar): """ multiplication of a velocity field by a scalar (simple scaling) """ self._obj["u"] *= scalar self._obj["v"] *= scalar if "w" in self._obj.var(): self._obj["w"] += scalar return self._obj def __div__(self, scalar): """ multiplication of a velocity field by a scalar (simple scaling) """ self._obj["u"] /= scalar self._obj["v"] /= scalar return self._obj
[docs] def set_delta_t(self, delta_t: float = 0.0): """sets delta_t attribute, float, default is 0.0""" self._obj.attrs["delta_t"] = delta_t return self._obj
[docs] def set_scale(self, scale: float = 1.0): """scales all variables by a sclar""" for var in ["x", "y", "u", "v"]: self._obj[var] = self._obj[var] * scale return self._obj
[docs] def rotate(self, theta: float = 0.0): """rotates the data, but only for some x,y grids Args: theta (float): degrees in the clockwise direction it can only work for the cases with equal size along x and y Returns: rotated object """ theta = theta / 360.0 * 2 * np.pi x_i = self._obj.x * np.cos(theta) + self._obj.y * np.sin(theta) eta = self._obj.y * np.cos(theta) - self._obj.x * np.sin(theta) du_dx_i = self._obj.u * np.cos(theta) + self._obj.v * np.sin(theta) u_eta = self._obj.v * np.cos(theta) - self._obj.u * np.sin(theta) self._obj["x"] = x_i self._obj["y"] = eta self._obj["u"] = du_dx_i self._obj["v"] = u_eta if "theta" in self._obj: self._obj["theta"] += theta else: self._obj["theta"] = theta return self._obj
@property def delta_t(self): """receives the delta_t from the set""" if self._delta_t is None: self._delta_t = self._obj.attrs["delta_t"] return self._delta_t
[docs] def quiver(self, **kwargs): """graphics.quiver() as a flow_property""" fig, acc_x = gquiver(self._obj, **kwargs) return fig, acc_x
[docs] def streamplot(self, **kwargs): """graphics.quiver(streamlines=True)""" gquiver(self._obj, streamlines=True, **kwargs)
[docs] def showf(self, **kwargs): """method for graphics.showf""" gshowf(self._obj, **kwargs)
[docs] def showscal(self, **kwargs): """method for graphics.showscal""" gshowscal(self._obj, **kwargs)
# @property # def vel_units(self): # " Return the geographic center point of this dataset." # if self._vel_units is None: # self._vel_units = self._obj.attrs.l_units + '/' + \ # self._obj.attrs.t_units # return self._vel_units