Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Contains functions for reading flow fields in various formats

import pathlib
import re
import warnings
from typing import List, Tuple
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

    from lvreader import read_buffer
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn("lvreader is not installed")

# Defaults
POS_UNITS: str = "pix"  # or mm, m, after scaling
TIME_UNITS: str = "frame"  # "frame" if not scaled, can become 'sec' or 'msec', 'usec'
# after scaling can be m/s, mm/s
VEL_UNITS: str = POS_UNITS  # default is displacement in pix
DELTA_T: np.float64 = 0.0  # default is 0. i.e. uknown, can be any float value

[docs] def unsorted_unique(arr: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: """creates a sorted unique numpy array""" arr1, c = np.unique(arr, return_index=True) out = arr1[c.argsort()] return out, c
[docs] def set_default_attrs(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """Defines default attributes: # xr.DataSet.x.attrs["units"] = POS_UNITS POS_UNITS: str = "pix" # or mm, m, after scaling # None if not known, can become 'sec' or 'msec', 'usec' # the time units are for the sequence of PIV realizations # useful for animations of the DataSet and averaging # xr.DataSet.t.attrs["units"] = TIME_UNITS TIME_UNITS: str = None # after scaling can be m/s, mm/s, default is POS_UNITS # xr.DataSet.u.attrs["units"] = VEL_UNITS VEL_UNITS: str = POS_UNITS # attribute of the xr.DataSet, defines things for the # single flow realization, frame A -> DELTA_T -> frame B # xr.DataSet.attrs["delta_t"] = DELTA_T DELTA_T: float = None # default is unknown, can be """ dataset.x.attrs["units"] = POS_UNITS dataset.y.attrs["units"] = POS_UNITS dataset.u.attrs["units"] = VEL_UNITS dataset.v.attrs["units"] = VEL_UNITS dataset.t.attrs["units"] = TIME_UNITS dataset.attrs["delta_t"] = DELTA_T dataset.attrs["files"] = [] return dataset
[docs] def create_sample_field( rows: int = 5, cols: int = 8, grid: List = None, frame: int = 0, noise_sigma: float = 1.0, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Creates a sample Dataset for the tests. Args: rows (int) : number of points along vertical coordinate, corresponds to 'y' cols (int) : number of grid points along horizontal coordinate, 'x' grid (int, int) : spacing between vectors in two directions (x,y) frame (int): frame number noise_sigma (float): strength of Gaussian noise to add Returns: xarray.Dataset(): dataset """ if grid is None: grid = [16, 8] x = np.arange(grid[0], (cols + 1) * grid[0], grid[0]) y = np.arange(grid[1], (rows + 1) * grid[1], grid[1]) xm, ym = np.meshgrid(x, y) u = ( np.ones_like(xm) + np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, cols) + noise_sigma * np.random.randn(1, cols) ) v = ( np.zeros_like(ym) + np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, rows).reshape(rows, 1) + noise_sigma * np.random.randn(rows, 1) ) u = u[:, :, np.newaxis] v = v[:, :, np.newaxis] chc = np.ones_like(u) u = xr.DataArray(u, dims=("y", "x", "t"), coords={"x": x, "y": y, "t": [frame]}) v = xr.DataArray(v, dims=("y", "x", "t"), coords={"x": x, "y": y, "t": [frame]}) chc = xr.DataArray(chc, dims=("y", "x", "t"), coords={"x": x, "y": y, "t": [frame]}) dataset = xr.Dataset({"u": u, "v": v, "chc": chc}) dataset = set_default_attrs(dataset) return dataset
[docs] def create_sample_Dataset( n_frames: int = 5, rows: int = 5, cols: int = 3, noise_sigma: float = 0.0 ) -> xr.Dataset: """Creates a syntetic dataset Args: n_frames : number of frames rows (int) : number of points along vertical coordinate, corresponds to 'y' cols : number of grid points along horizontal coordinate, 'x' grid : spacing between vectors in two directions (x,y) frame : frame number noise_sigma : strength of Gaussian noise to add Returns: dataset: PIVPy dataset Example: ds = create_sample_dataset(n_frames=3) """ dataset = [] for i in range(n_frames): dataset.append( create_sample_field(rows=rows, cols=cols, frame=i, noise_sigma=noise_sigma) ) combined = xr.concat(dataset, dim="t") combined = set_default_attrs(combined) return combined
[docs] def create_uniform_strain(): """creates constant strain field""" return create_sample_field(noise_sigma=0.0)
[docs] def from_arrays( x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, u: ArrayLike, v: ArrayLike, mask: np.array, frame: int = 0, ) -> xr.Dataset: """creates a dataset from two-dimensional Numpy arrays of x,y,u,v and mask Args: x (array): x y (array): y u (array): u v (array): v mask (array): mask, all numpy arrays of the same shape frame (int): frame number, default is 0 Returns: ds (xarray.Dataset): xarray dataset with default attributes Example: ds = io.from_arrays(x,y,u,v,mask,frame=0) """ # create dataset structure of appropriate size dataset = create_sample_field(rows=x.shape[0], cols=x.shape[1], frame=frame) # assign arrays dataset["x"] = x[0, :] dataset["y"] = y[:, 0] dataset["u"] = xr.DataArray(u[:, :, np.newaxis], dims=("y", "x", "t")) dataset["v"] = xr.DataArray(v[:, :, np.newaxis], dims=("y", "x", "t")) dataset["chc"] = xr.DataArray(mask[:, :, np.newaxis], dims=("y", "x", "t")) dataset = set_default_attrs(dataset) return dataset
[docs] def from_df( df: pd.DataFrame, frame: int = 0, filename: str = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """creates pivpy.Dataset from pandas DataFrame Args: df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame with columns of x,y,u,v frame (int, optional): frame number. Defaults to 0. filename (str, optional): filename to add to the attributes. Defaults to None. Returns: xr.Dataset: pivpy.Dataset """ d = df.to_numpy() x, ix = unsorted_unique(d[:, 0]) y, iy = unsorted_unique(d[:, 1]) if d.shape[1] < 5: # davis8 does not have mask or chc d = np.column_stack((d,np.zeros_like(d[:,-1]))) if ix[1] == 1: #x grows first d = d.reshape(len(y), len(x), 5).transpose(1, 0, 2) elif iy[1] == 1: # y grows first d = d.reshape(len(x), len(y), 5) # .transpose(1,0,2) else: raise ValueError('not sorted x or y') u = d[:, :, 2] v = d[:, :, 3] chc = d[:, :, 4] # extend dimensions u = u[:, :, np.newaxis] v = v[:, :, np.newaxis] chc = chc[:, :, np.newaxis] u = xr.DataArray(u, dims=("x", "y", "t"), coords={"x": x, "y": y, "t": [frame]}) v = xr.DataArray(v, dims=("x", "y", "t"), coords={"x": x, "y": y, "t": [frame]}) chc = xr.DataArray(chc, dims=("x", "y", "t"), coords={"x": x, "y": y, "t": [frame]}) dataset = xr.Dataset({"u": u, "v": v, "chc": chc}) dataset = set_default_attrs(dataset) if filename is not None: dataset.attrs["files"].append(str(filename)) return dataset
[docs] def load_vec( filename: pathlib.Path, rows: int = None, cols: int = None, delta_t: float = None, frame: int = 0, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ load_vec(filename,rows=rows,cols=cols) Loads the VEC file (TECPLOT format by TSI Inc.), OpenPIV VEC or TXT formats Arguments: filename : file name, expected to have a header and 5 columns rows, cols : number of rows and columns of a vector field, if None, None, then parse_header is called to infer the number written in the header DELTA_T : time interval (default is None) frame : frame or time marker (default is None) Output: dataset is a xAarray Dataset, see xarray for help """ if rows is None or cols is None: _, _, rows, cols, dt, frame, _ = parse_header(filename) # print(f'rows = {rows}, cols = {cols}') if rows is None: # means no headers, openpiv vec file # d = np.genfromtxt(filename, usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)) d = np.genfromtxt( filename, usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4) ) x, ix = unsorted_unique(d[:, 0]) y, iy = unsorted_unique(d[:, 1]) # print(f'rows = {len(y)}, cols = {len(x)}') if ix[1] == 1: #x grows first d = d.reshape(len(y), len(x), 5).transpose(1, 0, 2) elif iy[1] == 1: # y grows first d = d.reshape(len(y), len(x), 5) # .transpose(1,0,2) else: raise ValueError('not sorted x or y') else: # Insight VEC file d = np.genfromtxt( filename, skip_header=1, delimiter=",", usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4) ).reshape(cols, rows, 5).transpose(1, 0, 2) x = d[:, :, 0][:, 0] y = d[:, :, 1][0, :] u = d[:, :, 2] v = d[:, :, 3] chc = d[:, :, 4] # extend dimensions u = u[:, :, np.newaxis] v = v[:, :, np.newaxis] chc = chc[:, :, np.newaxis] u = xr.DataArray(u, dims=("x", "y", "t"), coords={"x": x, "y": y, "t": [frame]}) v = xr.DataArray(v, dims=("x", "y", "t"), coords={"x": x, "y": y, "t": [frame]}) chc = xr.DataArray(chc, dims=("x", "y", "t"), coords={"x": x, "y": y, "t": [frame]}) dataset = xr.Dataset({"u": u, "v": v, "chc": chc}) dataset = set_default_attrs(dataset) if filename is not None: dataset.attrs["files"].append(str(filename)) if delta_t is not None: dataset.attrs["delta_t"] = delta_t return dataset
[docs] def load_insight_vec_as_csv( filename: pathlib.Path, rows: int = None, cols: int = None, delta_t: float = None, frame: int = 0, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ load_insight_vec_as_csv(filename,rows=rows,cols=cols) Loads the VEC file (TECPLOT format by TSI Inc.), Arguments: filename : file name, expected to have a header and 5 columns rows, cols : number of rows and columns of a vector field, if None, None, then parse_header is called to infer the number written in the header DELTA_T : time interval (default is None) frame : frame or time marker (default is None) Output: dataset is a xAarray Dataset, see xarray for help """ df = pd.read_csv( filename, header=None, skiprows=1, usecols=[0,1,2,3,4], names=["x","y","u","v","chc"], ) dataset = from_df(df,frame=frame,filename=filename) return dataset
[docs] def load_vc7( filename: pathlib.Path, frame: int = 0, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ load_vc7(filename) or load_vc7(filename, frame=0) Loads the vc7 file using Lavision lvreader package, Arguments: filename : file name, pathlib.Path Output: dataset : xarray.Dataset """ buffer = read_buffer(str(filename)) data = buffer[0] # first component is a vector frame plane = 0 # don't understand the planes issue, simple vc7 is 0 u = data.components["U0"][plane] v = data.components["V0"][plane] mask = np.logical_not(data.masks[plane] & data.enabled[plane]) u[mask] = 0.0 v[mask] = 0.0 # scale u = data.scales.i.offset + u * data.scales.i.slope v = data.scales.i.offset + v * data.scales.i.slope x = np.arange(u.shape[1]) y = np.arange(u.shape[0]) x = data.scales.x.offset + (x + 0.5) * data.scales.x.slope * data.grid.x y = data.scales.y.offset + (y + 0.5) * data.scales.y.slope * data.grid.y x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) dataset = from_arrays(x, y, u, v, mask, frame=frame) dataset["t"].assign_coords({"t": dataset.t + frame}) dataset.attrs["files"].append(str(filename)) dataset.attrs["delta_t"] = data.attributes["FrameDt"] return dataset
[docs] def load_directory( path: pathlib.Path, basename: str = "*", ext: str = ".vec", ) -> xr.Dataset: """ load_directory (path,basename='*', ext='*.vec') Loads all the files with the chosen sextension in the directory into a single xarray Dataset with variables and units added as attributes Input: directory : path to the directory with .vec, .txt or .VC7 files, period . can be dropped Output: dataset : xarray Dataset with dimensions: x,y,t and dataset arrays of u,v, attributes of variables and units See more: load_vec """ files = sorted(path.glob(basename + ext)) if len(files) == 0: raise IOError(f"No files {basename+ext} in the directory {path} ") print(f"found {len(files)} files") dataset = [] combined = [] _, _, rows, cols, delta_t, _, method = parse_header(files[0]) if method is load_vc7: for i, f in enumerate(files): dataset.append(load_vc7(f, frame=i)) else: for i, f in enumerate(files): dataset.append(method(f, rows=rows, cols=cols, frame=i, delta_t=delta_t)) if len(dataset) > 0: combined = xr.concat(dataset, dim="t") combined.attrs["delta_t"] = dataset[-1].attrs["delta_t"] combined.attrs["files"] = str(files) return combined else: raise IOError("Could not read the files")
[docs] def parse_header(filename: pathlib.Path) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """ parses the header line in the file to obtain attributes Args: filename (pathlib.Path): txt, vec file name Returns: Tuple[str, ...]: variables: units : rows : cols : delta_t: frame : method : """ fname = filename.stem.split(".")[0] # str(".")[0] try: frame = int(re.findall(r"\d+", fname)[-1]) # print(int(re.findall(r'\d+', tmp)[-1])) # print(int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit,tmp))[-1])) # print(int(re.findall(r'[0-9]+', tmp)[-1])) except ValueError: frame = 0 # binary, no header if filename.suffix.lower() == ".vc7": return ( ["x", "y", "u", "v"], 4 * [POS_UNITS], None, None, None, frame, load_vc7, ) with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fid: header = fid.readline() # print(header) # if the file does not have a header, can be from OpenPIV or elsewhere # return None if header.startswith("#DaVis"): header_list = header.split(" ") rows = header_list[4] cols = header_list[5] pos_units = header_list[7] vel_units = header_list[-1] variables = ["x", "y", "u", "v"] units = [pos_units, pos_units, vel_units, vel_units] dt = 0.0 method = load_davis8_txt return variables, units, rows, cols, dt, frame, method elif header.startswith("TITLE="): # Insight header_list = ( header.replace(",", " ").replace("=", " ").replace('"', " ").split() ) # get variable names, typically X,Y,U,V variables = header_list[3:12][::2] # get units - this is important if it's mm or m/s units = header_list[4:12][::2] # get the size of the PIV grid in rows x cols rows = int(header_list[-5]) cols = int(header_list[-3]) # this is also important to know the time interval, DELTA_T ind1 = header.find("MicrosecondsPerDeltaT") dt = float(header[ind1:].split('"')[1]) method = load_vec return variables, units, rows, cols, dt, frame, method else: # no header, probably OpenPIV txt method = load_openpiv_txt return ( ["x", "y", "u", "v"], 4 * [POS_UNITS], None, None, None, frame, method, )
[docs] def get_units(filename: pathlib.Path) -> Tuple[str, str, float]: """ get_units(filename) given a full path name to the .vec file will return the names of length and velocity units fallback option is all None. Uses parse_header function, see below. """ _, units, _, _, _, _, _ = parse_header(filename) if units == "": return (POS_UNITS, VEL_UNITS, DELTA_T) lUnits = units[0] # either m, mm, pix velUnits = units[2] # either m/s, mm/s, pix tUnits = velUnits.split("/")[1] # make it 's' if exists return (lUnits, velUnits, tUnits)
[docs] def load_openpiv_txt( filename: str, rows: int = None, cols: int = None, delta_t: float = None, frame: int = 0, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ loads OpenPIV txt file Args: filename (str): _description_ rows (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. cols (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. delta_t (float, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. frame (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 0. Returns: xr.Dataset: _description_ """ if rows is None: # means no headers d = np.genfromtxt(filename, usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)) x, ix = unsorted_unique(d[:, 0]) y, iy = unsorted_unique(d[:, 1]) if ix[1] == 1: #x grows first d = d.reshape(len(y), len(x), 5).transpose(1, 0, 2) elif iy[1] == 1: # y grows first d = d.reshape(len(y), len(x), 5) else: raise ValueError('not sorted x or y') else: d = np.genfromtxt( filename, skip_header=1, delimiter=",", usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4) ) d = d.reshape((rows, cols, 5)) x = d[:, :, 0][0, :] y = d[:, :, 1][:, 0] u = d[:, :, 2] v = d[:, :, 3] chc = d[:, :, 4] dataset = xr.Dataset( { "u": xr.DataArray( u[:, :, np.newaxis], dims=("x", "y", "t"), coords={"x": x, "y": y, "t": [frame]}, ), "v": xr.DataArray( v[:, :, np.newaxis], dims=("x", "y", "t"), coords={"x": x, "y": y, "t": [frame]}, ), "chc": xr.DataArray( chc[:, :, np.newaxis], dims=("x", "y", "t"), coords={"x": x, "y": y, "t": [frame]}, ), } ) dataset = set_default_attrs(dataset) if delta_t is not None: dataset.attrs["delta_t"] = delta_t dataset.attrs["files"].append(str(filename)) return dataset
[docs] def load_openpiv_txt_as_csv( filename: str, rows: int = None, cols: int = None, delta_t: float = None, frame: int = 0, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ loads OpenPIV txt file Args: filename (str): _description_ rows (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. cols (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. delta_t (float, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. frame (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 0. Returns: xr.Dataset: _description_ """ df = pd.read_csv( filename, header=None, names=['x','y','u','v','chc'], delim_whitespace=True, usecols = (0,1,2,3,4), ) dataset = from_df( df, frame=frame, filename=filename ) return dataset
[docs] def load_davis8_txt( filename: pathlib.Path, rows: int = None, # pylint: disable=W0613 cols: int = None, # pylint: disable=W0613 delta_t: float = 0.0, # pylint: disable=W0613 frame: int = 0, ) -> xr.Dataset: """loads Davis8 old ASCII tables format Args: filename (pathlib.Path): Davis8 filename.txt rows (int, optional): rows. Defaults to None. cols (int, optional): cols. Defaults to None. delta_t (float, optional): delta_t. Defaults to 0.0. frame (int, optional): frame number. Defaults to 0. Returns: xr.Dataset: pivpy.Dataset """ dataframe = pd.read_csv( filename, delimiter="\t", skiprows=1, names=["x", "y", "u", "v"], decimal="," ) dataset = from_df(dataframe, frame=frame,filename=filename) # print(f'{rows},{cols},{delta_t}') return dataset
# def sorted_unique(array): # """Returns not sorted sorted_unique""" # uniq, index = np.unique(array, return_index=True) # return uniq[index.argsort()]